Saints row 2 suits
Saints row 2 suits

saints row 2 suits

then when i played it i was shocked on how a game franchise this well respected could make such a crap boring game. All in all this game is good fun, some thing to kill your brain cells for a while, and buy now you can pick up a copy from under $10 or £10 and its gonna last you longer than a book or a film so in my eyes it now has its value for money and has great playabilty value. The two games yes cover the same genre and have similar game play but it would be like comparing Mario cart with games like Pgr4 or Forza 4.

saints row 2 suits saints row 2 suits

This game you shouldn't compare with a game like Grand theift auto, Grand theft auto is taking the crime life in more of a dark and in a way more sensible, theres a sense of reality within the Grand theft auto games as on the other side you have Saints row (The acid trip of the crime games) which takes the whole crime genre and pumps it up into a bouncy castle. A negative part of the game as stated earlier was the game breaking such as being trapped with in the car (I was standing in the bonnet) constant game crashes, spawning area is so tiny which means chasing a car you want is incridaably hard. This is down to making the game itself fun, you can do silly things like take on an entire army of zombies or drive a plane into any thing you like and so on and so forth.( Im sure you can come up with a further list of crazy things you can do) The game has many missions and even more side misssions with crazy objectives such as insurance fraud (by hurting your self as much as you can in a small space of time), running fight clubs and again so on and so forth. This is down to making the game itself fun, you can do silly things like take on an entire army of zombies or drive a plane into any thing you like and so on and so forth.( Im sure you can come up with a further list of crazy things you can do) The game has many missions and even The playability of the game is almost endless, even though the graphics are poor and the game breaks so much. The playability of the game is almost endless, even though the graphics are poor and the game breaks so much.

Saints row 2 suits